Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brunch history

So after weeks and weeks of brunching through Washington with the ladies, and after Hae Jin put up photos of our brunch from Co Co Sala, I thought what better way to memorialize our weekly outings than a blog. This way we can keep track of where we've gone and what we liked.

The inspiration for the weekly brunches actually stemmed from Michigan where Dana would host a weekly potluck brunch at her place. All the ladies would bring a dish or something to cook (or a beverage) and we would dish about what we did over the week.

Cut to 4 years later, when I move to DC and rejoin Dana. The interesting thing about DC is that we gals tend to have many gal-pals. After reconnecting with some friends from all over the place, we gals had a couple of commonalities: (1) we were all young professionals encountering the same issues in different fields and (2) we love brunch.

Thus the inception of the Brunching through Washington group (another gal-pal suggested the phrase Ladies who Brunch and it's catchy which is why it's the name of the blog).

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