Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 24, 2008: Co Co Sala

I'm not going to go back and list all the other places that we've gone to (especially since we've been brunching for almost 6 months now)...so we'll just start with the most recent brunch spot.

Location: Co Co Sala. located on F Street between 9th and 10th.
Attendees: Jasmine, Hae Jin, Joyce, Felicity, Sarah, Yolanda and Dana.
Eats: After much debate, most of us split between the Twice Baked Souffle and the Breakfast Flatbread. Several folks chose the Prix Fix menu which included an Amuse Bouche and a selection of desserts with the entree.

Drinks: Lattes, Lemonade, Iced Tea and Coffee all around. The proprietor (a dude with a really great speaking voice) sold us on the coffee which is roasted in small batches in Annapolis. Truly delish coffee.

Amuse: A Chocolate fritter. We were worried that with all the sweets, we would overdose on sweetness (which is probably why we all chose savory dishes for the entree). But essentially, the Amuse was a glorified Munchkin - delicious and not too sweet. The chef balanced the chocolate with (what else) salt which ended up being a good complement.

Entrees: I had the breakfast flatbread - "how can you go wrong when every ingredient is delicious - it's bound to be tasty" Pesto flatbread topped with hash browns, then scrambled eggs, then chicken sausage, then bacon, then cheese, then sun dried tomatoes and topped off with a generous dollop of hollendaise sauce. Low-cal it definitely was not (my personal trainer would have killed me given how I'm supposed to be on a "diet" of sorts) - tasty it sure was. From around the table, I have a feeling that everyone who got to souffle also loved that as well.

Dessert: A selection of 4 desserts of which each person on the prix fix got to pick 2. Thus, since we had a nice round number of prix fix choosers, we ended up getting 12 desserts (3 of each type). I think the favorite of the group was the pecan torte of sorts (we could choose from a chocolate mousse over a piece of shortbread topped with chocolate and strawberries, pecan torte on top of a brownie topped with hazelnut? mousse and sugar topping, lemon panna cotta, and raspberry (we believe) chocolate cake). From the remnants, we liked them all.

Ambience: We were seated at the bar (I'm sure they regretted this after we became loud and rowdy as we tend to do). The restaurant is divided into three rooms. The one we were in had chocolate walls and a sculptural ceiling painted to look like chocolate. The room next to us had the actual pastry area where you could watch (in the back) your desserts being made. The final room had just been opened recently and again evoked candy. Sculptures from chocolate and spun sugar decorated the restaurant. All in all, we loved the atmosphere - our impression is that the demographic the restaurant is targeting is women. Everything from the silverware to the dishes appealed to us.

Other notes: The proprietors informed us that they had a late night menu and served food until 2ish (on the weekends). They also pointed out the grilled cheese sandwich (which is chedder topped with white truffle oil) paired with tomato soup. The dinner menu consists of comfort food twists (upscale mac and cheese, etc.) - since we didn't get a chance to taste, we determined that we would have to come back and have dinner there (twist our arms why don't you!). Also, they do serve two of my favorite drinks: Van Gogh Double Expresso Vodka and Leblon. They have a curious (conceptually) drink called the cocojito. Mojito made with the Expresso Vodka, lime and mint. We'll have to see how that turns out.

All in all, GREAT brunch location. Definitely tops in our books - the ladies give it three smooches out of 4. Pictures to follow....

1 comment:

Artemis said...

my mouth is watering! what a great idea LWB. :)